9 Reasons to Build

  1. FUNCTIONALITY, you have control over the floor plan and it is designed around your life.
  2. Brand new components with the protection of a new home warranty
  3. Less stressful than remodeling and your own personal expression is part of the design. Also, lower maintenance costs as compared to a 20-year-old home.
  4. Move in when it is ready, think of the emotions that can’t be quantified. All the hard work redeemed, priceless.
  5. Peace of mind. Build a modern, smart, Energy efficient home that is up to current safety standards and building codes. Lower monthly energy bills by super insulating.
  6. Location and amenities that match your lifestyle, whether country living or a new community.
  7. Control over materials used and finishes on display.
  8. Investment value of your home as your biggest asset, it will only increase in value.
  9. Pride of home ownership, a slice of the American dream. It becomes your statement and your mark on the world.