Land Buying Guide

when buying land that you want to build a house on.
Know the 28/36% rule

Mortgage lenders use this guideline to determine how much home you can afford. It means that 28% of a family's pre-tax income is the max amount they can spend on a new mortgage. The second part of the equation means that your debt should not exceed 36% of your pre-tax income

  • Have a surveyor look at the property.
  • Identify boundaries.
  • If in a neighborhood inquire about covenants and restrictions
  • Verify availability of water
  • Verify with county feasability of septic or sewer options.
  • It is common to dig test holes for septic to inspect soil conditions.
  • These soil conditions for septic may also affect the feasability of foundation for home.
  • Consider road access and utilities for the property.
  • Sometimes an easement with a neighbor is needed.
  • Don't make assumptions about the property.
  • Verify zoning classification of the land.
  • If a change in classification is needed don't assume it will be possible.
  • Ensure you pay for all environmental tests the county or city requires.
  • Research the value of neighboring properties.
  • Don't go talk to the neighbors.
  • Sometimes sharing your dream with neighbors while collecting information
  • can lead to organized opposition or may inspire a person with the means to
  • swoop in and purchase your property before you can secure a contract.
  • Commonly real estate is promoted with potential to be sub-divided but this is not always easy or possible.
  • Verify everything your Real Estate Agent tells you.
  • Ensure that your finances are in order before talking to a lender.
  • Proof of funds is a common component before making any cash offer on property so be realistic.
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